
 To: District NYI Quiz Directors

 Subject:  St Louis Top Ten Tournament



In 1979-80, 3 district teen quiz directors developed an idea to join together to organize a simple tournament where the best quizzers from each district could compete, challenge, and sharpen each others' skills and grow in experience and have fellowship with their peers from other districts.  That was, and still is, the goal and purpose of what is now known as the St Louis Top Ten, Gateway to the Word, Bible Quiz Tournament.


Among the long-standing traditions of this tournament is that every participating district help by providing one or more officials and equipment to be used on the tournament.


Quiz Missions Offering

An awesome tradition at this tournament has been receiving an offering to support the Bible Quizzing ministry around the world. NYI has been working to translate Quizzing materials into contextualized English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. We are so grateful for your support. The St. Louis tournament alone has raised thousands of dollars to support this effort and we are happy to report that NYI is wrapping up this major initiative and now has all eight cycles translated into those four major languages. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


As the Bible Quizzing ministry continues to grow around the world, we¹d like to continue translating the Bible Quizzing materials into other languages even those that aren¹t as widely spoken. Please join us in prayer as we work with local leaders to identify the languages most needed and begin the process of meeting the need for Bible Quizzing materials in those languages as well. Your continued support will help us meet those needs.


At recent St Louis tournaments we have raised over $1,000 for this offering. Let's do it again this year!  Please promote this year’s offering on your districts and come prepared to share this ministry with those areas that are asking for it.


Equipment needs

A need related to the growing ministry is equipment.  If you have any of the Quiz Time boxes that are in good working order (or not) that have been retired as you move to the computer-based equipment, please consider bringing them to this event.  We will collect them and work on ways to repair and deliver them to areas of the world where they can be used.


If you are not currently a district director, please help us get the word out by passing this email and attachments on to the right people.


If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please get in touch with me via the contact information shown below.


Thanks for all you do to encourage and disciple your youth and further this ministry,



St Louis Tournament Director 

Chad Lynn
